In the recent years, animation studios in India have caught the fancy of the animation world. Animation production can be quite expensive which is why western production houses prefer to outsource it to cheaper countries. Compared to the western world, even the top animation studios in India prove to be cheaper.
While earlier, the preferred destinations were other South East Asian countries which were traditionally associated with animation, it is only recently that international production houses have begun preferring India, because of cheap labor, quality work and in project deadlines are kept intact infact of being pressurize to work night shifts, the quality of the product which is in lakhs we gave them in thousands.
One would assume that with so much appreciation being given to Indian animation companies, they would be producing some world class animation themselves. However, even the top animation studios in India have not made a mark in the international animation scene with a completely Indian project. Even Crest Animation, which has been in the news for its production ‘Alpha and Omega’ making it to the Oscar nominations, has not made any groundbreaking animation on its own.
Since the dearth of talent or skills is not the issue, there are several other reasons that have been put forth for this lack of quality animation. However, the two main reasons that have been identified are lack of finances and lack of original story ideas. Since animation requires a very expensive production process, not having enough funding can seriously affect the quality of even the best animation studios in India.
While earlier, the preferred destinations were other South East Asian countries which were traditionally associated with animation, it is only recently that international production houses have begun preferring India, because of cheap labor, quality work and in project deadlines are kept intact infact of being pressurize to work night shifts, the quality of the product which is in lakhs we gave them in thousands.
Animation Studio in India |
Since the dearth of talent or skills is not the issue, there are several other reasons that have been put forth for this lack of quality animation. However, the two main reasons that have been identified are lack of finances and lack of original story ideas. Since animation requires a very expensive production process, not having enough funding can seriously affect the quality of even the best animation studios in India.
top animation studios
This is compounded by the fact that Indian animators mainly rely on mythology and folk tales for story inspiration. This means that the animation that is made here does not feel fresh and contemporary, thereby affecting its popularity.